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Duck! The Carbine High Massacre


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This movie is about Derick and Derwin - two boys who feel nothing but contempt for society. They separate themselves from others by wearing long black trenchcoats and listening to crappy industrial music. They also have nazi memorabilia and pipebombs lying around everywhere in their rooms. One day Derwin is ruthlessly beaten up by jocks. This ***** fuels the hatred Derwin and D...


乜啊 2023-01-21


秦鹄呼呼呼呼呼 2023-01-30

钩织,他总是得胜,类我,自赏,放克,刻板,失乐园,black sheep,**的水泥路,本意的扭曲,匣,力比多,冷色的铁,稚幼的暴力,生役,顺妇,半瓶水,骑墙,第三个killer。 后面一半的叙事手法,运镜都成熟很多,不知其转变是否有意,若是有意,则是精神上越过高墙带来了现实感。房间铺设的木板使得看起来是一个箱匣。设备不是很好,有些部分看起来像低配版的韦斯安德森。很多地方有着不少隐喻。我带着滤镜,分打高些

Balzpesn 2023-02-14

笑死了。。。 支持狗吃了所有祭品!

thefinNga 2023-01-22


LuvLikeAnthrax 2022-11-21

It's so bad that it is ridiculously fun. A very generous amount of blood I must say...

MysteriousHOLE 2023-03-28

萌晕了 苯人很爱的一种黑色幽默

勤勉1807 2023-04-05

太刻板印象了真是笑得想吐…..极具代表性的群像,play girl,bible girl,goth,运动员,非裔美国人,freak….极度冒犯,伤风败俗,**神明!不过某种程度上青少年就是这么疯癫!永远年轻永远有一个school shooter的梦想是吧(?)配乐真的很绝赞……god bless America

豆友204871902 2021-10-17

I was just thinking that today would be a ***** day to ***

EsteEsElFinal 2022-04-02

love this soooo much lmaoooooo